
I have always liked vrikshasana (tree pose in yoga), although I am not very good at it. Alignment and balance are not things that come naturally to me. I have been trying to get the palpable grace and strength of that asana on paper. A couple of those attempts at getting to the essence.


Azalea said…
Beautifully fluid lines... you make it look easy. I tried to draw it - mine looks horrendously akward. I've deduced that I lack the necessary talent.

P.S. I can't do the asana either.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful!! I have been doing some yoga and this picture inspires me. Thanks for your wonderful portrayal of this pose! Keep up the great artistry.
Alignment and balance come through beautifully in these -- keep up the physical practice of the poses. Your body's ability will manifest and your art will continue to benefit.