
"Then they said, dignity is a small price to pay for not being extinct, so stay still."

I was watching a wildlife show on national geographic channel the other day. The telemeters and other tracking devices they put on the animals looked very bulky and uncomfortable.

Present technology lets us have cellphone and camera and mp3 player and GPS system and God-knows-what-else all rolled into one tiny device that fit into the palms our hands. So, I am surprised that they still have such unwieldy and intrusive devices for the animals. I guess the battery packs probably are a big part of them.

I didn't have a caption in mind when I drew this. The one I added is just so-so, so if you have a caption, please share it through your comments.


Chen said…
I've been browsing your blog site for a while now. I love the themes and the colors, some are strikingly beautiful. Old Man in City and Blues Club are my favorites. I like your one-liners too.
Keep them coming...

Best Regards,
