
Yesterday was judo night. I didn't need a jacket to go out afterwards. Very glad to see winter pass. The weather this weekend promises to be great, so we may be going for another bike ride this Sunday.

Pam has a cold. When I had one in January, I took turmeric and honey, and it went away. I don't know if I healed because of the concoction, but I became a believer. Believers don't need to know. So I got Pam to take it last couple of days, but she still has the cold. She left for work 5 minutes ago, after announcing that turmeric & honey didn't work on colds. Nonbeliever.

There is really no context for the watercolor I put up today. An old one I found in a stack in the basement. There are a couple of things I want to whine about, so I hope to post a cartoon soon.


Azalea said…
I looked at the picture long and hard and couldn't make up my mind if the man and woman were walking alongside each other together or alone. I don't know what you intended, but I finally decided they were each walking alone. And this came to mind:

Singing the same song at a different tone,
In thoughts, destined to die, unknown.
Born unto a world not of our own,
We walked together, walking alone.

~Michael Anderson